This site was created for the exclusive purpose of displaying, promoting, distribution and retailing of books generated and or affiliated to the private company Urban Inkwell Publishing LLC. est. 2005 





Take ear to the words, read

become wiser, don't get vex nor dismay

just my way to say

the things needing to be said


the music being heard has dreamers 

and once social introverts

coming out of the woodworks

armed with vocal chords, ready to show their worth

every one a bonafide  superstar

a social nightmare, anxiety of the finality, reapers

fearing of clocks


every black boy wants to be rap super star

is it in your heart or is it about envious thoughts

don't be fooled by gold by next man's house and cars

any path you take to your riches relies on hard work

,chasing stars  with bars thinking it is easy way to right

but the greatest rappers will tell it that at times it is a struggle

that success comes to those down for investment of time

and if one is true to the hustle


favorite  rapper from the hood, is not in the hood, no more

don't look to him as a leader out, been left

so what if he drives through, more like drives by

doing a video; shooting urban evangelistic prose,

yet he calls all females bitches and whores

even your mama


the new landscape, gentrified acres 

brownstones evolving from dirt

like ball players, touch them later

like bad politics, it comes in layers

here are easier journeys out of hood

aside from rapping and basketball 

you make the call


so you wanna be a basketball player

we can watch basketball live or on bleachers

here is the screamers,

before start down the road to easy ways

take this hit in the waist, and not discard as waste


you will never meet a scout, offering a deal for NBA

stick to your academics, get a degree in a profession

don't believe that a nice three pointer and tat' on the arm

makes a perfect draft for professional b-ball

we all have balls so don't hang your dreams on far off balls

with requirements of height, that requirement alone shatters dreams

don't go chasing balls.


basketball, football, baseball, soccerball, tennis

bowling ball, Golf ball, ping-pong ball, soft ball, billiard) all balls. 

you got your own balls

pro-balling is not your calling


no common sense

 life in the living breath

a world where' girls wear less and less

and boys are mis-educated on the finality of death,

fake love, sexual feelings, diseases, hot lips and fast hips 

no religious beliefs: true religion is in blue jeans

tight tops and loose bottoms, seeing red

delusions of time in a matrix... daring the beast entry

which is the lack of love for self and soul.


increase the peace

but instead they proliferate

more vitamins and folic acids

masterbating the numeration of

babies having babies with increased exposed

increase the dreams, mixed with  caffeine

how do you like it? Black with extra light skinned

dirty penetration late stage, inquest abortion

hallucinating nation


the world is changing, 

left and right wing, each party doing the say thing

disenfranchising the people, leaving the unprepared, in back

guess who is that, who?

the Blacks.















Available @, Kindle 




this is my America, this is America

Americans love to sleep, lazy

Black America cannot afford the luxury

Martin had a dream, now he' sleeps

America is not ready to face the truth

willing to die cloaked with lies, til infinity

they would kill to keep 



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